leopold and loeb

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Shop Victoriously!

Backstory: My brother plays the drums in his school’s marching band. He’s very good, as is the band in general. A few months ago it was announced that the band had been invited to play in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. In New York, on Thanksgiving (duh). So my mother, after hemming and hawing, decided to book us rooms at the Algonquin hotel. The choice delights me because the Algonquin has a huge literary history, which I love, and super swanky digs! The choice delights my mother because it is right on the parade route meaning we wont have to navigate New York on Thanksgiving day in the wee hours of the morning. All we have to do is fall out of bed, wrap up warm, and walk downstairs.

Frontstory: As I was thinking about all this I thought, hey, its going to be New York on Thanksgiving… that means it’ll probably be pretty cold. Maybe I should get me a nice pair of snow boots. And if you’re going to look for snow boots, really only one brand springs to mind. Uggs. I looked around for a cheap pair, in the process finding a site that sells cheap and real Dior, Chanel, Prada, et cetera! And cheap Uggs. However that site didn’t have them in my size, they only went up to a 9, but I need a 10.

On to… ebay! Yes, that darling little site where so much is on sale for so cheap. I bided my time well though. Too many times have I been outbid at the last second, so this time I only watched… never bidding. Until 2 minutes from the end of the auction. I was in a mini bidding war, but at 32 seconds the other person dropped out and the beautiful boots were MINE!!!! I WON!!!

And they’re so pretty. I can’t wait for them to get here even though it is currently 90 degrees outside. And if, once they get here, my mom likes them, I’ll buy her a pair of the smaller ones so her feet can be comfy and warm too. VICTORY!


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