Friday Fun
Once again, instead of working at work I offer fun websites for your enjoyment.

Save Fred: I don't know quite what to say about this site. I could tell you about the fact that you've got to try to save Fred, a cuddly toy bunny rabbit from dying on the surgery table through your own surgery skills. I could tell you about the tattoo that's revealed halfway through. I could tell you about the weird music that makes the whole experience a bit Donny Darko-esque. But I think it's best if you just go and play it.

Dress Up Steve: Back in the day, I loved nothing more than playing with paper dolls or those weird fashion flip books and creating zany outfits for the models. Now, I'm all grown-up, but that urge hasn't quite left me. But how can I make it relevant and topical to my life today, I hear you ask. Well, how about dressing up someone online, rather than using old skool crayons and paper? And how about dressing up someone with a pedigree in technology?Enter Dressing Up Steve Ballmer. By day, he's the CEO of Microsoft. By night, well, he's anything you want him to be - pirate, ballerina, Frankenstein - the choice is yours. Hours of fun for the whole family.

Command a Chicken: The official name of this site is "Subservient Chicken". This man in a Chicken Suit wants nothing more than to be ordered about by YOU! make him do jumping jacks...bounce on the couch... lie on the floor, etc. To get truly creeped out tell him to look into the camera. The close up of the Chicken costume is quite grotesque.
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