leopold and loeb

Friday, January 18, 2008

Notes from the Underpaid

I got this email from a proofreader today and I had to share it. Keep an eye out for corsets!

(Now I also have to admit as an academic and scholar of sorts myself that I've never understood the need to move Notes as far as possible from the text they're expanding. In the course of 30 some years' research flipping back and forth between text and the back of the book with a highlighter or note-taking pen in hand, managing to lose the page in both places over and over, I have expended quite a lengthy cussing vocabulary on just this issue. Do other people who actually use these books find this a user-friendly feature? Notes in the very back of the book always remind me of Victorian corsets on women: they may have a cosmetic charm--as long as you don't have to be the one trying to work in the thing.)


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