leopold and loeb

Friday, December 04, 2009


OK, I'm grouchy today. No real reason, just the world is not up to my exacting standards today and that frustrates and annoys me.

However, unlike my usual grouchy days, I dont want to feel grouchy, making me even grouchier about feeling grouchy. So here have been the things that have (temporarily) brought be out of the funk today.

1. There is a family that rides my bus in the mornings. A father, an older daughter (about 8) and twin younger sisters (about 5). Some mornings they are rowdy, playing 20 questions with their dad, some mornings they are whiney, the 'she's touching me' complaints echoing down the bus. This morning two out of the three girls were in high spirits. One of the twins was sulking and sitting really close in to her father, in the classic, 'no one can talk to me but dad' pose. Her twin kept trying to get her to smile/laugh, but to no avail, and actually seemed to annoy her more. Finally, the elder sister asked the cheery twin, "hey Caroline, what did YOU have for lunch?" All three faces lit up and they all cried in unison "SISTER SANDWICH" and fell into a group hug. I almost died of cute!

2. Cute Butt Justin. Named by me (duh) he is a coworker with a truly yummy hiney. He is cute in other areas (i mean the face you dirty mind!) and tends to make me chuckle. Today we have had 2 interactions that were blog worthy. He got a credit card bill in the mail and was opening it near my desk. He saw the total and decreed, "you pay this for me" and tossed it on my desk. I smiled and picked it up to hand back to him and he hurries away down the hallway claiming, "you touched it last!" I laughed heartily. Later when he came to retrieve it he said "you pay it next time". I retorted with a put upon sigh and said, "alright, but I'm not paying for your hookers". He laughed. I felt good about myself. Then later, in the kitchen, someone had turned on the World Cup coverage and he started to chat with me about soccer, something I know nothing about. He said something about America being really pathetic in never winning the World Cup, and I made him laugh again with, "Yeah, but we ALWAYS win the World Series"

3. 1000 Awesome Things. This is a blog that is essentially a list of awesome things. Things like dangling your feet in water, picking off the crusty ketchup on the nozzle to get a nice even squirt, getting to the bus stop just as the bus does, when a stranger says 'bless you' after you sneeze, the final moments of untying that huge knot, the sound of meat hitting the hot grill, taking your socks off without your hands under the covers, etc. I love that these really are universally awesome things. I mean, who DOESNT like eating the extra fries at the bottom of the bag? or getting all the lint out of the dryer lint trap? those little things that can make you feel awesome.


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