
im feeling a lot better about my upcoming trip to london, in fact i think im beginning to get excited about it.
ive been having feelings of anxiety about the trip, worries concerning the last time i went to england. let me explain that last time i went i decided that i was going to go no matter who i knew on the trip. big mistake. i am the kind of person who needs constant reassurances that people around me like me. maybe that makes me shallow, and if it does well then so be it, but last time i went to england (last j-term) i went with people i barely knew. for me that made the trip bad. i didnt have a commrade to play with. i need people, and i didnt have them. plus i was far away from home. not a great combination.
this year i tricked my friend Bitsy into coming with me, and im feeling much better. Bitsy and i have the same feelings regarding needing friends around, in fact, she told me that the last time she was in Europe she had a similar experience for the exact same reasons. so. i was also nervous that Bitsy would want to pub-hop a lot, something that i am not entirely into. i still think she wants to, but maybe she'll get me to go. i need to be pulled out of my comfort zone a little bit and experience new things. i tend to turn into a bit of a hobbit when left to my own devices, hating adventures and always wanting to stay at home. so this will be good. plus, im really hoping to take her to Trader Vic's to get a Pina Colada. we HAVE to do this. last time i tried, but the only time i could get free to go Trader Vic's was closed. BOO. so, this time around we're gonna make it happen!
i googled our hotel, and it looks like the standard Comfort Inn, no surprises, which is good. last time in London we stayed in a hotel that had no electronic keys, and a communal bathroom. ouch. they made up for it with good breakfast, but since i dont really eat breakfast, i think the Comfort Inn will suit me just fine.
so all in all im feeling good. getting excited and anxious to get back to school on monday to start planning and ironing out the details for this amazing trip.
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