Everything I Need to Know About Politics, I learned from Walt Disney

So last night Lauren and I watched the Disney Robin Hood. The only reason to watch this movie (which we have both seen many times) is that Harold was making a lot of noise yesterday and after a particularly loud crash my exclamation was, "crimenitley!"* And thus, Robin Hood.
*For those of you who don't know this word or reference. I really can't help you.
As we were watching it, I realized that here was a perfect analogy for the current healthcareclusterfuck debate.
Go with me on this people.
The left wing sees the Obama healthcare plan that provides ONE option in addition to those that we already have available, as a version of Robin Hood. We see it as an additional tax on less than 1% of the richest families in the US, to help pay for the care of the 99% of families who for whatever reason, are without care. Taking from the rich, to redistribute among the poor.
The right wing sees the Obama administration as Prince John/The Sherrif of Nottingham. That he wants to tax everyone into poverty, reducing the middle class to the bedraggled masses protrayed in Robin Hood, and counting his money every night with Michelle as Sir Hiss.
Honestly, thats the divide. Now if people could just find some sort of middle ground and see that there may be some of each of the two opposites in the plan, maybe we could have a correct, polite, and open debate.
*For those of you who don't know this word or reference. I really can't help you.
As we were watching it, I realized that here was a perfect analogy for the current healthcare
Go with me on this people.
The left wing sees the Obama healthcare plan that provides ONE option in addition to those that we already have available, as a version of Robin Hood. We see it as an additional tax on less than 1% of the richest families in the US, to help pay for the care of the 99% of families who for whatever reason, are without care. Taking from the rich, to redistribute among the poor.
The right wing sees the Obama administration as Prince John/The Sherrif of Nottingham. That he wants to tax everyone into poverty, reducing the middle class to the bedraggled masses protrayed in Robin Hood, and counting his money every night with Michelle as Sir Hiss.
Honestly, thats the divide. Now if people could just find some sort of middle ground and see that there may be some of each of the two opposites in the plan, maybe we could have a correct, polite, and open debate.
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