Safely Disregaring Opinions
I contemplated for about 4 seconds whether I should write this post. It concerns a coworker whom I try to be civil to, but whom I would gladly choke to death. Since this is going on the internet in a rather public forum, I pondered the idea of talking smack about this woman. Though I will not use her name, were she ever to read this, she could easily determine that I was talking about her, and then I would be easily fired. But, I consoled myself that the only ways she could find this blog are:
1) If I gave her the url. Since I hate pretty much everything she stands for and vice-versa, I doubt that I'll be inviting her into my inner-most thoughts.
2) If she got the link from my facebook profile. Again, since I truly despise her, I will not be her facebook friend, even if she asks, which she wont.
3) If she figures out my online name (arielbop) and then does an in depth internet search of said name. again, we are not on anything like the terms where I would disclose my parents nickname for me, so she would have no reason to discover it. Unless she's so obsessed with me that she seriously online stalks me.
Now that all of that is out of the way, on to the post.
My pet name for her among my friends is the Bitchface, so I think that's what we'll be sticking with here.

Today, Bitchface decided to spew some more of her republican juice on me, determined that she will somehow transform me into a new Republican clone. She descried Obama's school speech, claiming that it is socialist rhetoric, and that he's not actually an American. Oh yes, thats a thing! Then when I explained for the umpteenth time that I am a DEMOCRAT and very far to the LEFT on many many many issues, the following came out of Bitchface's mouth;
"I think you'd be a republican if your parents were more down to Earth"
This made me so angry that I could spit! Honestly! Who the hell does she think she is? I have itemized my anger thus;
A) What the fuck are you doing insulting my parents whom you've never met?!
B) Who the fuck do you think you are telling me what I should believe?!
C) Why the fuck do you think that I can't make political decisions for myself and need parental approval to have a thought in my head?!
This is the same woman who is a proud Anne Coulter fan. The same woman who believes that in the very public divorce, Jon Gosselin is the responsible parent. The same woman who has a comic strip at her desk that essentially claims that all Democrats want to do is give out free things to those who 'don't deserve it'.
While I do believe that there are people in this country who take advantage of government programs, there is nothing in my soul that would stop said programs. If it is within my power to help someone who needs help, I will always help. ALWAYS!
Its even in the damn Declaration of Independence! Written by a founding father. You know, the founding fathers that the Republicans claim to know personally or some shit. Here's the direct quote;
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security"
That means that when something is wrong, those who have the ability to fix it have the RESPONSIBILITY to fix it. It is our DUTY!
I don't think I could hate this woman more if she were inside me EATING HER WAY OUT.
But my good friend Lauren provided me with a calming new mantra. "Well, she likes Ann Coulter. So I think we can safely disregard most of her opinions"
Now whenever she decides to spew her bile on me, I'll just repeat in my head 'safely disregard all of her opinions. safely disregard all of her opinions.'
Now that all of that is out of the way, on to the post.
My pet name for her among my friends is the Bitchface, so I think that's what we'll be sticking with here.

Today, Bitchface decided to spew some more of her republican juice on me, determined that she will somehow transform me into a new Republican clone. She descried Obama's school speech, claiming that it is socialist rhetoric, and that he's not actually an American. Oh yes, thats a thing! Then when I explained for the umpteenth time that I am a DEMOCRAT and very far to the LEFT on many many many issues, the following came out of Bitchface's mouth;
"I think you'd be a republican if your parents were more down to Earth"
This made me so angry that I could spit! Honestly! Who the hell does she think she is? I have itemized my anger thus;
A) What the fuck are you doing insulting my parents whom you've never met?!
B) Who the fuck do you think you are telling me what I should believe?!
C) Why the fuck do you think that I can't make political decisions for myself and need parental approval to have a thought in my head?!
This is the same woman who is a proud Anne Coulter fan. The same woman who believes that in the very public divorce, Jon Gosselin is the responsible parent. The same woman who has a comic strip at her desk that essentially claims that all Democrats want to do is give out free things to those who 'don't deserve it'.
While I do believe that there are people in this country who take advantage of government programs, there is nothing in my soul that would stop said programs. If it is within my power to help someone who needs help, I will always help. ALWAYS!
Its even in the damn Declaration of Independence! Written by a founding father. You know, the founding fathers that the Republicans claim to know personally or some shit. Here's the direct quote;
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security"
That means that when something is wrong, those who have the ability to fix it have the RESPONSIBILITY to fix it. It is our DUTY!
I don't think I could hate this woman more if she were inside me EATING HER WAY OUT.
But my good friend Lauren provided me with a calming new mantra. "Well, she likes Ann Coulter. So I think we can safely disregard most of her opinions"
Now whenever she decides to spew her bile on me, I'll just repeat in my head 'safely disregard all of her opinions. safely disregard all of her opinions.'
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