UM, I FREAKING LOVE TARGET! sorry. but i really do. It always makes me sad when i go to the one near my office because i never have time to like, be in target. that sounds a lot more zen than it probably should. especially since when people think of spots to "be" in, they usually dont gravitate to retail giants. I just can't help it. So many reasonably priced items that are calling out to me! "Buy me! Caress me! Check my Nutritional Values!"
Maybe the obsession with target began because that was where my best friend and I had our first real best friend moments together. We went right around Christmas time, and she had me laughing so hard I almost peed the whole time! Everytime we go to Target there is a new experience. Last time I forced her to go with me. "We will go to Target and have fun DAMMIT!" and she ended up buying a ton of crap and I nothing. muahahahah "What, we're gonna find an Octopus Dish scrubber?! yeah right!... Oh, Cool. I want that Octopus Dish Scrubber!"-Emily
Also, I was there a few days ago to buy Allison's birthday present and the "one spot" has tons of disney princess crap that i want and also a lot of zebra stuff! most of the zebra stuff is marketed towards like, babies, but who cares?! I need a zebra print bowl too! babies can suck it. I can probably live without the zebra burp cloth though... I tend not to spit up in company... anymore.
Another thing! Apparently Target is both Philanthropic, and super cool. They give 5% of daily profits to local charities, AND they want to give me money! That is correct, they are trying to give me $5,000! Well, I say trying... they have a monthly contest thingy and I filled out a survey to get my name entered to win $5,000!!!! WHEEE! I can only imagine what I would buy with a $5,000 gift card to Target. Oh man. I'm salivating just thinking about it. I could very well spend it all in one go... But I'd need a Uhaul, because that's a lot of Target Love...
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