Hit Me Baby!

I never really liked Brit, there was nothing there for me. Some of her songs were OK in the bubble-gum pop way, (but really, are songs in that genre EVER OK?) she could dance, not sing. And she was cute. But really I wasn’t enthralled. She was waaay not someone that I wanted to base my life on, not someone for whom I was a superfan.
But now! Oh Brit! I follow every move of her downfall with more and more excitement. She is so crazy that everything she does is so far beyond the normal realm. Its like watching a movie in which the heroine is so crazy that you cant help but watch, it’s a giant train wreck that is lasting for years!!!
Her newest insanity is her new album cover, released recently. I believe it was only a few days ago. Well, as you can see, Brit is not shy about her Jesus complex! She thinks shes god and wants everyone else to think it too. I don’t know how the religious nut bars are going to take this. I mean they have kept pretty quiet on the Britness, mostly because she is white trash and the nutbars demographic is white trash. Better not offend your chief constituency. Yet I cannot imagine that they wouldn’t say something! I mean look at it! Shes white naked Britney jesus!!! WHAT!?!?!?!
The best part of the Britney freak-out is that no one seems to be telling her. She keeps messing up so royally that now she no longer has custody of her children, she has lost sponsorship of marketing campaigns and her appearance on the VMAs was so horrendous that news outlets have been covering it, and yet, she KEEPS MESSING UP!!! Why??? Has no one sat her down and said, ‘listen. You have turned the corner into the crazy land. Stop doing drugs, stop drinking, stop driving on the wrong side of the road with your children in the car. In fact, stop leaving your house for a while. Stay out of the news for a while. Wear underwear. Become a normal member of society, and THEN release a new album. People are sick of you now, give them a chance to miss you.’
I wish someone would say that to miss Brit, but alas. She has left the station, next stop looneyville.
And I really wish I hadn’t looked at the pictures of her little miss
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