leopold and loeb

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Worker Bees

Can I just say that I was forced by a co-worker to write this entry.

Ok, so this is my post about work and how it is going. Its going really well. I have friends at work already! Though, I tend to make friends quickly, I collected these friends pretty fast. We are all roughly the same age, though one is older and a mommy, which we all love. We keep bugging her to bring in her baby, but she seems to be holding out. I think shes worried that we’ll eat him or something. Other than that theres the Lesbian (capital L because shes awesome!) and the Frog (cuz shes French). So we have, Mommy, Lezi and Froggy.

I find that I do precious little work. Most of my day is spent either surfing the internet or talking to my peeps. (I’m so black! K-Fed better watch out). I know that I get things done however, because they get done. Its like a throwback to my homework and papers in college. All I remember doing is watching the Food Network, yet somehow the 10 page paper was written and printed. My roommates were always calling me a slacker, and now its my co-workers. I personally don’t think slacking is bad as long as the work gets done. Plus, I don’t want to give stuff back as soon as I finish it, then people would give me more! Its really a vicious cycle this work thing.

Back to my first sentence. I got several emails today from the Lezi telling me to update my blog because she wanted something funny to read. I guess my Slacker moniker is rubbing off, I’m so proud. She also wants to go to Target today and take a long lunch. I’m such a proud mama slacker!

In other news, I’m SUPER hungry today! I have so far eaten 3 rice cakes, a bag of chex mix, and a special K bar. And I’m still dizzy. C’MON!

Maybe I’ll go cannibalize my lunch and eat some of it now, for 11sies. Hey, the hobbits do it!


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