easing back in
I’m easing back into blog writing. I think its one of those things that if you don’t do it for long enough it starts to look like a daunting task and so you put it off, and hence more daunting it becomes until you’re just a puddle of goo. Well I refuse to be gooified so this blog post will be ramblings and observations to remind myself that blogs aren’t daunting. Later I’ll get to Christmas stories and new years stories and why I was worried that Anderson Cooper had commited suicide.
For the past few days I have had a tickling feeling across my right eyebrow and down to the bridge of my nose. I believe wholeheartedly that it is an errant hair, but myself and many many others have looked and brushed and picked and no hair can be found. It is most irritating.
I found out that one of my favorite contributors to one of my favorite sites (ShinyShiny) has taken a permanent leave of absence to focus on writing books full time and incidentally give birth to and raise her sons. Boo. BUT! In her farewell on the site she listed her personal blog! YAAY! And so I have been obsessed with it for a while. She is currently 7 days overdue and has decided the best way to fill the time is to watch netflix movies everyday and then to blog about them. Quite quite entertaining! I love her. Check her out here.
On Saturday I awoke to find no one in the house including no dog. I was perplexed. Turns out Xena took a misstep and sprained her shoulder. Ouch! Poor baby. She was putting no weight on it at all and was generally out of zing for about a day and a half. And then it was like it never happened. It went from ‘oh my poor shoulder it hurts so’ to ‘what? Im walking like normal. Lets play!’ how strange. But I guess it means shes better so who am I to question it?

After months of ignoring it in a pile last night I finally watched the netflix “Son of Rambow”. I highly recommend it. It is a really fun look at what boys get up to when they have the means and opportunity. Plus the boys are soooo cute when they’re accidentally putting their bodies at risk to make a cheesy action flick. And the little brittish accents don’t hurt either.
I cant think of much else. Maybe I’ll write soon about the all and sundry holidays and homicidal new years thoughts. Stay tuned.
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