Countdown to Panic Attack

Well, the panic attack should be coming any day now, lets just hunker down and hope for the best. With Finals on the horizon and graduation looming ever nearer, my attempt to stop biting my fingernails is now a pipe dream. folly. However, when I'm not freaking out about most aspects of my life I am also trying to squeeze in as much "college" fun as possible (and of course by "college" i mean "irresponsible"). As a person with a Disney Princess Calendar, and a stuffed penis on my television, the idea of entering corporate America is a daunting idea. I do not find pantyhose comfortable (but really does anyone?) and therefore do not feel comfortable around people who do. Really what I'm thinking about most is the future; the great beyond. And where the hell I'm going to put all of my stuff, as it has been made devestatingly clear to me that my mother's living room is not to be taken over with my boxes this summer. so, i guess i'll chuck it all into the backyard and hope for a drought.