leopold and loeb

Friday, October 29, 2010

Ghoulies and Ghosties and Long-Legged Beasties


This weekend is halloween! I must say that Halloween seems to be a lot of work for everyone involved. The kids have to plan and don a costume and walk around the world to get candy from strangers, the very activity that children are prohibited from doing on the other 364 days a year. Adults on the other hand must prepare by buying candy, sitting by their front doors and jumping up everytime there is a knock/ring. Alternitavely they may walk around with their children and stand on the sidewalk loudly whispering "What do you say?" at every house. I heard from a friend of mine that her parents ended up spending over $60 on halloween candy last year, because there were so many children trick or treating. exhausting.

Even so, I do enjoy halloween. its just fun. There is no real "reason" for halloween other than to dress up as someone you're not and eat things that are bad for you. Of course there are roots to the halloween story but for the most part its relatively tame. There are no halloween pagents like Thanksgiving and Christmas, most people have NO IDEA why we do what we do to celebrate halloween, or even why we celebrate it at all.

Anyway. The point of this post really is to show you some of the costumes from my work halloween party yesterday. Most people did not dress up, or did so really lame-ly. There were a few random boas and a fang or two. I like to get into the spirit of things and so I dressed up.

My favorite group was the Intellectual Property Lawyers who really did their collective homework!

Doreen had a motion activated talking parrot! With all the motion at the party, he didnt shut up once!

Eva was a homeless person, and she won second prize in the contest. As she was walking to get her gift certificate she dragged her boxes and carts along with her and snapped at everyone "don't touch my stuff". It was pretty funny.

There were a lot, and I mean A LOT of jailbirds and wardens and escaped convicts. Does that say something about the work environment? :-)