leopold and loeb

Monday, February 26, 2007

lawyers, guns, and money

i was listening to this warren zevon song today and for some reason it resonated with me more than usual. (sorry about that reason/resonated thing. thats very out of character for me and my writing. i like my writing to sound in my head easy, something easy to say out loud, something that would flow from your lips. those sentences are the best because they make your brain do the work normally delegated to your mouth, giving the old grey matter an exercise. you would never read a sentence from me like: lilly let larry lick lola's lusty leathers. alliteration has its place, but not to that extent. also if i was writing that sentence then i think the subject matter would be interesting enough to warrant a more interesting sentence. sentence construction and order are very important to me, and i edit myself in my head before i speak. end of english major rant)

ANYWAY! warren zevon uses his lyrical protagonist to relate the sense of alienation and helplessness that all people feel. the cry "send lawyers, guns, and money" reverberates through the song, a cry for help in the only way that the character can recognize. Help in all forms is always appreciated by me. Being a generally lazy being i tend to jump at the chance that someone will either assist me or take over my responsibilities entirely. par example: i was coming down with a cold (that my roommate gave me) so i was offered help in the form of Zicam. The cold is fading thanks to my recognition that i needed help.

i dont really know where im going with this. there arent areas in my life in which im particularly looking for help, in fact i feel that i am almost in control of myself. this sense of calm and well-being is to be short-lived however. in a mere 3 months i will be shoved once again from my proverbial nest to see if i can fly. i have never been complimented on my aerodynamic qualities, nor have i noted anything particularly air-worthy in myself. this gives me a peculiar sense of excitement. the unknown is approaching. being a coward as well as lazy, i have never viewed change as anything to look forward to; change usually being a harbinger of times marked by loneliness or alienation.

ive run out of steam on this topic, and my space bar thumb is sore because i just wrote an article summary as well, so ill stop the madness.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


so this year (like last year) i am giving up fried foods. so of course last night for mardi gras my friends and i went to Krispy Kreme and ate lots of hot and tasty doughnuts. yum!

my mother always gives up murder mysteries for lent, but i think she cheats because she uses the loop-hole that every sunday is easter, and therefore she can watch the murder mysteries on PBS on sunday nights. which is when she watches them normally anyway. i am giving up all fried foods, and i hope i dont cheat, but i cant promise anything.

not too much has been happening in my life, but i thought i should blog seeing as how i haven't in a while. i bought a bunch of cheap movies yesterday on amazon. i like buying things online because then i get mail in the mailroom, which always makes me feel pretty.

i have a scholarship dinner next week and im not really looking too foreward to that because kittle was telling me about it last night and it sounds pretty mind-numbing.

Friday, February 09, 2007

bad day

i have an away message that reads "i wish there was a sign at the beginning of the day to warn you if you were going to have a bad one. something subtle like someone screaming in my ear, BAD DAY! BAD DAY! YOURE GOING TO HAVE A BAD DAY! at least that way i would be prepared".

well my warning system failed me yet again and i awoke naiively believeing that today would be a good one. not so. my alarm that has been set to go off at 9 am all week decided that today it would go off at 9:25, giving me 5 minutes before i needed to be in the car and on the way to work.

my cold is not yet gone and i am coughing, sneezing, nose running and eye itching.

and im still exhausted, despite the rather good nights sleep.

so im just sitting here. trying my best to work, feeling basically like crap, and hoping that i dont have too much to do today so i can cut out early. i still need to hit a CVS and pick up some valentines for people and i also have some medicine waiting for me. boo. this life of responsibility sucks. im looking foreward to heading back to school on monday and getting back to my life of irresponsibility. although, this semester will start bright and early with a meeting with the dean. le sigh.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


im taking a break from the depressing england blogs to bring you some exciting news!

as some loyal readers may remember i remarked that the discworld wedding cake was a combination of two great loves, food and terry pratchett. i then commented that the only way it could get better would be if i could also sleep on it and watch tv on it. well hang onto your hats because i have found such a gadget.

this device would let me work and play from my bed, giving me a work surface and room to hook up extra monitors, i.e. tvs.

but wait theres more! the ginsu knives. THIS device comes equipped with " a 20-inch Philips LCD TV, an Xbox 360 console, a DVD player, a Gateway EMachine laptop with robot arm (don't even ask how that's used...), an iPod docking station with its own toilet-paper dispenser, a TiVo DVR, an Avanti refridgerator with beer tap, an exercise bike, and an electric cup warmer."

ALL WHILE PEEING!!! oh what a glorious age we live in where i would never have to leave either my bed or my toilet ever again!!! please tell me they come with a chef and a butler. please, oh please....