Once more unto the Breech dear Friends!
OK, I know it has been a while. But once again, that is because I have not been working. Honestly, you would think that I would blog more when NOT working, but when not working I have television and all of its distractions to keep me going. When working, I have only the internet. And we all know how few websites there are dedicated to fighting boredom.
Anyway, I am working again, today (friday) and for most of next week. I'm working as a temp at a place called Conservation International. Its pretty cool in the 'whole-foods-organic-hemp' kind of way. There is a GIANT basket head mask on the wall right infront of the front desk that frankly startled me when I came in this morning, but as the day has gone on I get less and less freaked by him. I think I'll name him. I like Reginald...
Also, apparently Harrison Ford is on the board of directors. Which is pretty much awesome. Thats one cool thing about temping. You never know who you're going to meet. Like when I met the Russian Spy. Or Tom Clancy.
Anyway. The chair is comfortable, the people are polite and kind. The coffee is crappy like at any office, but this crappy coffee is fair trade, so at least I know that I'm helping the coffee growers in Brazil in some small way as I gulp it down.
There are gnats here as well, it being all about nature, there are plenty of plants. I do feel bad about smashing them though. I have a nagging suspicion that instead I should catch them in a cup and release them into the wild. Though, the wild today is below freezing, so maybe smashing them is more humane than letting the freeze to death.