Movie Madness!
OK, I'm back on the summer movie madness train! Last year, you may remember, I listed the movies I wanted to see. Of course I am far too lazy to think up another format, so I present; MOVIES I WANT TO SEE: SUMMER 2010
1: Prince of Persia
Jake Gyllenhaal wanted to hang out with Carrie and Samantha in the desert (he's such a Charlotte!), so he decided to go make this movie, which is based on an old computer game about an ancient Iranian prince who... does things. He like jumps off walls and falls on spikes and shit. In this movie he's chasing after both a magical dagger that can stop time and some pretty hot tail. It's basically the result of Disney's bizarre experiments trying to breed Pirate of the Caribbean with The Mummy
2. The A-Team
Whatever! This is going to be epic. I know, I know, they didn't get Mr. T to reprise his role as B.A. Barakas, but who knows, maybe there'll be a cameo? Its not like Mr. T has anything else going on these days. Also, Liam Neeson is an interesting choice for Hannibal. I'm not as opposed to it as others seem to be, and Hannibal needs a commanding presence, which Neeson definintely has.
3. The Last Airbender!
Ok, I freaking love this series! I was fortunate enough to run across most of it on DVD for only $5 per disc (amazon and others have it for WAAAY more), and have yet to have my Avatar* geek fest. Though not a huge fan of M. Night Shamalamadingdong, maybe he'll pull out all the stops and make this the Avatar we know and love!
*Avatar is NOT the crappy James Cameron recreation of Disney's Pocahontas! It is the combination of the 4 elements in one person, who will then unite the world and bring peace! So there!
4. The Karate Kid
Will Smith is selling his kid again, but look! Jackie Chan! so its all good.
5. Despicable Me
Steve Carell's attempt at a children's film. Though the tv spots with the weird little minion people are suuuper annoying, the actual trailer looks Snydley Whiplash kind of awesome, so I am intrigued!
So there you go. 5 movies that will further deplete my bank account. Though not really, because I'm still working off of the movie vouchers that Santa so lovingly provided, so maybe I'll get through these summer flicks with minimal monetary damage.
And with that, I'm off to see Sex and the City 2: Rise of the Monolos, because my roommate wants me to.