Mah Birfday

Ok people look alive! My Birthday is fast approaching and I want things! Fun things! Expensive things!
1. Storming the Castle board game
My favorite movie ever! In board game form! WANT
2. PillowPet
Its a pillow! Its a pet! Its a pillowpet! (most annoying jingle ever)
3. Waving Solar Queen
Because my balcony is less than regal.
4. Rayman's Raving Rabbids
I (with help from Emily) beat the first one! So now I need more! lots more!
5. Cookie Monster Snuggie
So that when the crumbs of that entire sleeve of chips ahoy wont go to waste.
our favorite snarky teen outcast is on DVD and that will make for a lovely snark filled afternoon. with pizza. there must be pizza.
7. A Blackberry
OK hear me out. I do NOT want an Iphone because I am wretched at touchscreens. Like awful. When I was using a friend's recently I kept hitting the wrong thing and making it angry. So I want buttons! But I also want web-capabilities. Therefore...Blackberry