lawyers, guns, and money

i was listening to this warren zevon song today and for some reason it resonated with me more than usual. (sorry about that reason/resonated thing. thats very out of character for me and my writing. i like my writing to sound in my head easy, something easy to say out loud, something that would flow from your lips. those sentences are the best because they make your brain do the work normally delegated to your mouth, giving the old grey matter an exercise. you would never read a sentence from me like: lilly let larry lick lola's lusty leathers. alliteration has its place, but not to that extent. also if i was writing that sentence then i think the subject matter would be interesting enough to warrant a more interesting sentence. sentence construction and order are very important to me, and i edit myself in my head before i speak. end of english major rant)
ANYWAY! warren zevon uses his lyrical protagonist to relate the sense of alienation and helplessness that all people feel. the cry "send lawyers, guns, and money" reverberates through the song, a cry for help in the only way that the character can recognize. Help in all forms is always appreciated by me. Being a generally lazy being i tend to jump at the chance that someone will either assist me or take over my responsibilities entirely. par example: i was coming down with a cold (that my roommate gave me) so i was offered help in the form of Zicam. The cold is fading thanks to my recognition that i needed help.
i dont really know where im going with this. there arent areas in my life in which im particularly looking for help, in fact i feel that i am almost in control of myself. this sense of calm and well-being is to be short-lived however. in a mere 3 months i will be shoved once again from my proverbial nest to see if i can fly. i have never been complimented on my aerodynamic qualities, nor have i noted anything particularly air-worthy in myself. this gives me a peculiar sense of excitement. the unknown is approaching. being a coward as well as lazy, i have never viewed change as anything to look forward to; change usually being a harbinger of times marked by loneliness or alienation.
ive run out of steam on this topic, and my space bar thumb is sore because i just wrote an article summary as well, so ill stop the madness.