Back at work after 2 days of illness. Boy! They tell you that sick time at work is different from sick time at school, but its hard to believe until you are in the horrible hell that is being sick at work. First of all, two days off at a busy time means that when you finally drag your carcass back to the cubicle, there are mountains of work waiting patiently. Not to mention the fact that before I came down with the plague I had a hefty mountain anyway.
I hate having a cold. Not only are you sick, but you're sick with something uninteresting. Anyone can have a cold. No one is going to say, "A cold?! wow!" But even so, a simple cold is never simple for me. This cold came with a cough. "A cough?" you say? well, with my poor excuses for lungs, that means a very real chance of a respiratory infection, and a possibility that things can get really serious, really quickly. So, the doc ordered me to rest and relax and take in the healing powers of television and ingest half a pharmacy of medication. (I exaggerate, but if you can't when you're sick, then when can you eh?).
The funny thing is (not funny ha-ha, more funny thats-weird) is that my cousin half a country away has caught the same thing. Is there some strange cloud hovering over the entire country that is making people sick? or was it just one guy who was sick and just wandered around shaking hands and sneezing on people?
Another funny thing, (this one I think is funny ha-ha) is that all of my friends are now frightened that I will somehow infect them over the internet or phone lines. My wife has caught something, and blames me, but her symptoms are totally different, so she can't really blame me. But of course she does. Another friend has left a note on my facebook wall threatening me with a "smackdown" if she gets sick. odd. but amusing.
So here I sit, 20,000 leagues under the sea, breathing laboriously, trying to mitigate my coughing and using my lotion/hand sanitizer so much that I now smell like an elevator full of old ladies. I hope that I will hit the zone soon and get all of this work done without really having to focus, because (AWESOME!) my dizzies are trying to come back. deep breaths.
UPDATE: It seems my depth perception is trying to go all wahoonie shaped as well. I just turned around in my chair to close a drawer and found my hand a good foot from the actual drawer. Also a few minutes ago I took off my sweater and slammed my hand against my desk completely unintentionally. Awesome.