leopold and loeb

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I think I'm developing a serious addiction to coffee. Let me walk you through it.

I have a Giant cup of Tea in the car on the way to work. Technically not coffee. Technically not caffeine. But same result.

I have a normal sized cup of coffee once I get to work.

That used to be it, but over the past week and a half I have needed another cup at like 1:30 to keep me going. whats next? selling drugs to pay for my addiction? and god forbid my next job charges for coffee as some places do.

Rehab may be my only recourse.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I've Been Memorabling You All Day

Welp! back to work after a three day memorial day weekend. And what a weekend! too much fun, not enough sleep. That seems to be the story of my life recently.

Saturday: Woke up leisurely but then soon went out to my town's carnival, Viva Vienna! with Carrie. That was totally fun. We went on rides and ate fried carnival food. We won stuffed toys by throwing darts at balloons, scared each other silly on the ferris wheel, and Carrie got asked out by a carnie! (small hands. smell of cabbage). Then off to the Uptown with Klaus and Mimi, Indiana Jones ahoy! from the third row! We could pretty much see up Harrison Ford's nose. but it was awesome. (attention Indy haters: yes, I know it was outlandish and totally campy, but that is what Indiana Jones is supposed to be! Hello, ark of the covenant! Holy Grail! You're just upset because this time it wasn't a "holy" Christian relic. back up!). Can I just say I'm totally in love with Cate Blanchett? Shes even awesome in a Grey Soviet Pantsuit. (which would be a great name for a band). Dinner with everyone after the movie wherein we all discussed at length the most beautiful people in Hollywood and why Angelina Jolie is the Crypt Keeper.

Sunday: Was blessedly quiet. aaah.*

Monday: again, up leisurely but not for long. Back to the town festival which by this time included a craft fair. Whee! talked my parents into buying lots, and ended up buying my mother a string of cultured pearls because she was whining that she didn't have any. and now she can't say that anymore. Then off to meet up with Carrie and Mills and Airman to go play mini golf. But Mills and Airman were running late, so Carrie and I ate Ice Cream and then played with kittens at the Animal Shelter on Eisenhower, right next to Cameron Run. Mini golf was fun, even though Airman is the slowest golfer in the history of the world. J/K I love him. P.S. little kids who stand on the tee as you are trying to golf are super annoying! get that under control parents! As anyone could have predicted, I lost mini golf by a LOT! but who cares, its about having fun! and accidentally/on purpose clubbing annoying 9 year olds in the head. not really.

*Whoops. I forgot to mention that on my way to church on Sunday I passed over I-66 and saw about 300 of the Rolling Thunder protesters. I pulled over and ran back to the overpass to snap a few pics before heading on my way again. I doubt they will come out very well, but I tried.

*Also I forgot to mention the Dr. Who marathon on Sunday. I love me some David Tennant!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mr. Sleepy Bunny

Last night I went with my parents and a friend that I grew up with to see “The Fellowship of the Ring” at Wolftrap last night. The NSO played the score and a great choir sang the vocal parts. There was even a boy soprano soloist for those really high, ethereal vocalizations. To be honest, it was a lot less geeky than I was expecting. Out of the whole crowd we only saw one guy dressed up. He was dressed like Gandalf and it made me really happy/embarrassed.

In case people don’t know, the current temperature in the DC metro area is hovering between the upper 40s and the lower 60s. quite cool, but not anything that will harm plants or flowers. However, when you are sitting for close to 3 hours watching a movie at night, it gets pretty chilly. In fact it got downright cold. I was shivering before the end. But, of course, we stayed because it was so much fun. Some people abandoned ship due to the weather and the late hour (we live 5 minutes away from Wolftrap and we didn’t get home until 12:30). In fact my dad stole my blanket at intermission and I had to share the less warm but bigger blanket with my mother.

Even with the cold I had a good time. Our seats were pretty perfect really. We were in the 7th row slightly to the left of the screen. Which meant that we were in the perfect position to see both the movie and the orchestra. I really do think that had we been anywhere else it would have been a much more different experience. As it was, mostly I watched the movie, but I did look around at the choir and orchestra to my hearts content. Most of the orchestra was watching the film on the back of the screen on their down time anyway. That was entertaining, to see the cello section staring at Frodo backwards.

Another cool thing was the conductor. He had the score in front of him, but he also had a monitor with the movie playing with some sort of built in metronome. His screen had pulses of light overlayed on the picture so that he could tell where the downbeat was supposed to be in this particular scene. It was pretty cool. It made me wonder how many times practicing it took him to stop watching the scene when the downbeat came up. Because I know that I would have been too engrossed to remember to raise my arms. Whatever, I’m a story whore, and everyone knows it.

Monday, May 19, 2008

look out Maxwell Smart!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Eli’s Coming

better hide your heart.

Today is going to be a bad day. I can feel it. The air seems to be crackling with the anticipation of doom. So maybe I exaggerate, and maybe the air isn't so much crackling as... well.. raining. But still.

Today is Kia's last day at RLPG. She was always a friend to me, listening to my rants about, well, everything. We will all miss her and her lively spirit.

Today it is raining. Raining, raining, raining. a lot.

Today is frustrating because I seem not able to express myself very well, though I always encounter difficulty explaining that particular issue in my family. Literally no one gets why there is an issue in the first place, and everyone seems to bypass that there is an issue at all, and focuses on the fact that, according to them, there shouldn't be one.*

I am concerned about my wife. And though I know she doesn't read my blog; "Emily, get it done! I will personally kill you. (not really though because I love you)"

I feel frustrated that I let people get to me. I keep telling myself rationally that I shouldn't be upset by these things, and when I examine myself, I'm not that upset. But then I get upset that I'm upset at all, and well, the whole thing makes me vary anxious.*

*If you could figure out that sentence then you get a cookie.

Eli's comin'
Well you better hide your heart, your loving heart
Eli's a-comin' and the cards say... a broken heart

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Who knew Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI liked Apple?

Friday, May 09, 2008

I <3 Eco Geeks

We all know that the Google boys are EcoGeeks. They've built themselves a 9 MW solar plant, worked to get plug-in hybrids on the streets and even sponsored a contest to create pedal-powered innovations.

But it is nonetheless good to hear Larry Page, one of the two founders of Google talking so passionately and optimistically about the future of our world. The interview, with Fortune Magazine, is a great read... full of hope and inspiration from one of the most influential entrepreneurs alive today.