Itchy and Scratchy
Moving away from anything like the serious topics that I've been harping on lately, such as work troubles and child abuse, I'll now discuss my skin disfiguration and my need for clothes*
*OK, so not NEED persay. Like not how homeless people NEED shelter. But if I want to be able to rotate outfits more than once a week and not incite comment on my lack of interesting clothing options, then I require some more interesting clothing options, dig? Plus I spent a significant portion of this morning playing on one of my fav sites What Claudia Wore and that blogstress is equally funny and awesomely dressed. Making me covet everything she wears and discusses. Thus, new clothes.
A few weeks ago I was sitting on the couch watching the new SciFi** show "Warehouse 13" and noticed that my arms were more than usually itchy. Looking down I noticed that my left arm was pretty badly covered in bug bites and that my right arm was only slightly less affected. I (at the urging of my dad) put on long sleeves and that seemed to mollify the bites' need for scratching. Since that fateful day I have awoken every morning to new bites. The bugs seem to have tired of my arms and have moved on to my hands. I have scratched at the bites so that they have begun to bleed, scab, and re-bleed when I pick at the scabs. (This post is starting out really disgustingly, I apologize). My current thought, planted originally by my mother, is that these are somehow not bites, but some sort of reaction or hive-type item. So I have half planned to see the doctor sometime this weekend. I must stop awaking to new bites/itchy bumps. I MUST! I look like a medieval pox victim and were we living in a less enlightened time, I would surely be shunned out of the village/be shipped to the leper colony. As it is, I would be hesitant to touch me/sit next to me were I an onlooker onto these arms. Oh my god, maybe I have leprocy! Lemme check WebMD!
OK apparently these bumps are not immediately indicitive of leprocy. Whew! Leprocy bumps are apparently numb little bumps and these suckers are neither numb nor little. Though there was an interesting article about who is most attractive to mosquitos.
I've always been something of a mosquito magnet. They have always seemed to prefer my milky white skin to my more swarthy companions. But really, this is the worst that it has ever been! EVER! I can never go through a summer totally unbitten, and most summer days I have at least 5 bites going, but for realz! A quick count of my left arm from elbow to fingertips yeilded 43! and thats only elbow to fingertips! I have more on my upper arm, PLUS an entire right arm unaccounted for! MY GOD!
Moving on. I think I will head to Target after work today. I have realized in my grabbing clothes for work each morning that my work wardrobe is severly limited. I have one pair each of comfy black and comfy khaki pants and one pair of comfy plaid grey pants. I have a spattering of tops that can easily mix and match with said pants, and a TON of black ballet flats (seriously, they're too cute not to buy, especially since they're almost always on super-sale), but only one pair of brown flats. Zero interestingly colored flats. For serious, I DO NOT NEED MORE SHOES! but I do think that I should invest in some more work shoes. 5 pairs of black flats against 1 pair of brown! And I have equal amounts (1 each) of black vs. brown work pants. That ratio is completely unfair, no?
Plus how awesome would it be if, say fr'instance, I was rocking the grey plaid (with subtle red and black and white lines in the plaid) with a black top, pretty much a blah outfit but then BAM, red flats with like maybe a cute bluckle or rhinestones or something equally amazing?! I'd date me.
**I remain using the somewhat original spelling of the network, as they have recently changed it to "SyFy" in order to appear more "hip". In matter of fact it makes them appear more intellegence challenged and contributes to the downfall of American and therefore world culture. They are encouraging txtspeak and thus are ushering in the end of the world. Seriously, SciFi, you have taken the end of the world's ticket, torn off the perforated bit and are showing the end of the world to its seat!
And so, I must go to Target. Siiiiigh. What a burden. Plus I need band-aids for my many bleeding/oozing scabby bites.