Let me walk you through my morning so far.
As you probably know, today is columbus day. The national holiday celebrating getting so totally lost that you 'discover' a new continent.
That also means that a lot of people are not in the office, though the office is open. I'm here because I need money and if I don't work, I don't get paid.
Missing today, among others, are the Bitchface and BigBossLady. But here's the wrench in the works, there were supposed to be 2 interviews today which Bitchface and BigBossLady were supposed to oversee.
The first one showed up, I called around to see who could possibly deal, no one could, so I was forced to send him away and have him reschedule. Not exactly the best business idea. But what could I do. I couldn't let him up without an escort, and even if I could, there would be no one to interview him. He'd just have to sit on his hands in the waiting area and watch people walk around.
Then, about 10 minutes after I sent him away, the BIGboss from England called. Asking what the hell was going on (basically). I explained and he asked to speak with Bitchface. She's not here. Well how about BigBossLady? She's not here either. When will they get there? They're both out on vacation days.
Yikes. He hung up. Another ten minutes later, BigBossLady calls. Asking, again, wtf. I explained and she asks if theres anyone in who can set up a teleconference. Not knowing who the hell in the office could do such a thing, I just read her the sign in sheet of who is here today. Not many. She finally gets an idea, asks to be sent to Sandra, who is lovely.
almost as soon as I hang up with BigBossLady, Bitchface calls. "OMG you should have called me, whats going on?" I explain. "I'm coming in for the second interview!"
30 minutes later, BigBossLady again, "Ok, this is how its going to go. Sandra aided by Harold are going to set up the teleconference. So when the second interviewee shows up, have her escorted by Sandra, take her paperwork, and slip it under my office door. Then call me to let me know that shes there"
OK, no prob bob. Done and Done. Though this whole while I'm stressed wondering how on Earth it will inevitably become my fault. Bitchface is like that.
about 10 minutes after 2nd interviewee shows up, BigBossLady calls again, just checking in. Harold wants to talk to her and so I transfer the call.

Harold comes out a few minutes later and is like, "oooh Bitchface in touble!" I, not hearing him the first time ask him to repeat himself and he spills the beans.
BIGboss in London is pissed at BigBossLady for dropping the ball in her branch. Understandable. But then I mentioned to Harold that I was worried that somehow I'd be in trouble.
"Oh, naw baby! You not in trouble. You just doin your job ya know? BigBossLady said that she was so grateful to us (harold, sandra, and i guess, me) because we going above and beyond you know. She mad at Bitchface."
SO! BIGboss is mad at BigBossLady. And BigBossLady is mad at Bitchface. It remains to be seen if Bitchface will be mad at me. But for now, Bitchface is in trouble with upstairs and I am not!
Ding Dong the Bitch is dead, which old Bitch? The wicked Bitch!